Showing posts with label reformulated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reformulated. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Zibeline by Weil c1927

In 1927, Marcel Weil of Les Fourrures Weil created Parfums Weil with their advertisements of “perfumes for furs”. These were based on a direct request from a regular client for a perfume suitable for wearing on furs. These were their first commercial perfumes that were advertised would guarantee not to harm the furs.

In 1928 the four perfumes inspired by fur themes were launched: Chinchilla Royal, Hermine (ermine), Une Fleur pour Fourrure (A Flower for Furs) and Zibeline (Sable) were favorites from the start. All of these perfumes were created by Claude Fraysse.
